Blacko Primary School is a good school with an excellent local reputation. We are set in a rural position in East Lancashire. From all directions, we have views of rolling countryside, with Pendle Hill in the distance. The village of Blacko is well known throughout Lancashire because of Blacko Tower. It was built at around the same time as the school and is a focal point for miles around.
Our building is over 100 years old and is a traditional village school. Children of 5 years of age gain a great deal from close contact with older children and our small staff are committed to the development of a happy, thriving school.
There are 104 pupils on roll and we are pleased to be continually oversubscribed.
Our ethos is to develop young people with creative minds, a sense of understanding and compassion for others. We are proud of our dedicated and committed staff who strive to create confident and well-educated children with our core values; Be Ambitious, Be Collaborative, Be Respectful, at their centre. Nurtured in an environment where they will have the opportunity to create lasting memories, giving them the confidence to reach their full potential, from tiny seeds, mighty trees will grow.
Our website has been designed to provide visitors with a wealth of information. However, a visit in person is the best way of getting a real and truer sense of our outstanding school. We welcome you to talk with our staff and pupils and find out just how outstanding we are.
Kate Richards
The sun is shining and we are loving the beautiful Spring weather in Hartley Class. Here’s just some of this week’s outdoor provision. We have had so much imaginative and creative play. @ThePennineTrust #EYFS
Year 3 have been extremely ambitious in spelling this morning. They have been focusing on words ending in -tion and word families based on common words. They have also created their own spelling strategies to help with trickier words #ThePennineTrust #ambition
Today in music Class 3 have been refining and improving their ‘River Course’ ostinato pieces. They have shown ambitious collaborating to compose and create these promising musical river courses. We are looking forward to performing them next week! #ThePennineTrust #collaboration
Following on from our exploration of our favourite toys, we were lucky enough to look at some toys from the past. We noticed lots of toys could still move even though they didn’t use batteries. We also noticed that lots of toys were wooden rather than plastic. @ThePennineTrust
Class 3 had a very busy writing lesson this morning! We started by doing hot-seating, exploring the characters of Jub and the witch. Then we created life-size roll on the walls to describe the witch’s appearance and personality! @ThePennineTrust
Our year 5 and 6 boys have taken part in their last league games of this season; coming second overall! A fantastic achievement that we are all proud of- they showed excellent grit, determination, collaboration and sportsmanship ⚽️ @ThePennineTrust
Class 3 are exploring key skills of hatching and cross hatching in art to ensure they add tone and texture to their work. They applied their understanding to photorealism by trying to recreate drawings of real-life objects in the style of Audrey Flack @ThePennineTrust
Hartley Class have continued their exploration of Africa this afternoon. We had a look at some of the animals which we might find in Africa. The children enjoyed creating African animal patterns and painting their own animals whilst learning interesting facts @ThePennineTrust
Class 2 - Year 2 are also on with publishing today! Lots of children focused on perfect presentation ✍️ @ThePennineTrust #ambition
Class 2 Year 1 are focused on publishing their first writing outcome for the half term! Some very ambitious Year 1 writers ✍️ @ThePennineTrust #ambitious
Some brilliant independent learning in Class 1 this morning based on our new book ‘Superworm’. We have had Superhero mask making, children creating their own superworm patterns and one little girl made her own hero and villain puppets. @ThePennineTrust #EYFS
Class 4 gymnastics enrichment part 2 ⭐️♂️♀️@ThePennineTrust
There are currently no upcoming events.
Gisburn Road,
Blacko, Nelson,