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Part of

    Blacko Primary School

    Governors & Trustees

    The Board of Trustees have established a structure of Committees as follows:
    • Local School Committees; Blacko Primary School, Laneshaw Bridge Primary School, Lord Street Primary School and Park High School
    • Learning and Welfare Committee
    • Finance and Resources Committee
    • Nomination and Remuneration Committee
    • Audit and Risk Committee

    These committees act in an advisory capacity to the Board of Trustees except where powers have been specifically delegate to them by the Board of Trustees.

    The functions and proceedings of the committees are subject to regulations made by the Trustees pursuant to the powers contained in the Articles of Association.

    We currently have vacancies for two co-opted local school committee members. Please contact the school via for more information and to register your interest.


    Audit and Risk Committee

    The responsibility of this committee is to ensure that the Trust and all of its Academies are compliant with current regulation across a number of areas, to assess risk on behalf of each of the Academies and the Trust as a whole and to ensure appropriate auditing is arranged.


    Learning and Welfare Committee

    The role of the Standards Committee is to monitor the academic progress and ensure high standards in the quality of teaching and learning within the Trusts Academies.


    Finance and Resources Committee

    The Resource Committee monitors income and expenditure for all the Academies and has a responsibility to ensure the preparation of responsible budget planning. It recommends annual budgets to the Board of Trustees, through the work of the Business Manager. It also oversees capital expenditure and asset management.


    Nomination & Remuneration Committee

    The Nomination and Remuneration Committee acts as part of the organisation’s corporate governance. The committee evaluates the Board of Trustees and examines the skills and characteristics needed in board candidates. Determining specific remuneration packages, terms of employment and determining performance incentive arrangements for the CEO.


    Local School Committees

    The Local School Committee carry the Trust vision, policies and priorities forward, based on the specific qualities and community characteristics of each school. They support, question and challenge the School's Leadership Team, holding them to account.

    In addition to the members and trustees, the above committees are attended by a varying range of Trust stakeholders and also associate members who provide the board with specialist advice.


    Local Governing Body Information
    Governor Name Type End of Office
    Kate Richards (Headteacher) Ex-officio -
    Emma Gauntlett Co-opted 17th June 2026
    Hilary Wilson (Chair) Co-opted 18th November 2026
    Lesley Wilson Co-opted 5th February 2027
    Vacancy 1 Co-opted -
    Vacancy 2 Co-opted -
    James Penswick Parent 17th November 2028
    Hannah Marsden Parent 31st January 2027
    Jessica Gibson Staff 22nd December 2027

    Register of Business Interests for each Governor

    Historical member records

    Local Governing Body Attendance 2023-2024


    Chair of Local School Committee

    Our chair of local school committee is Paul White, and he can be contacted via the following method:

    Hilary Wilson

    C/o Blacko Primary School 

    Gisburn Road 



    BB9 6LS


    Apex Collaborative Trustees

    To view the latest information on Apex Collaborative Trust's Board of Trustees' please click here